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“ATS” stands for “Applicant Tracking System”. These are software programs that screen your resume when you apply online and most employers use them. Learn to “conquer the robot” for successful online applications. “ATS” significa “Sistema de seguimiento de solicitantes”. Estos son programas de software que revisan su currículum cuando presenta una solicitud en línea y la mayoría de los empleadores los usan. Aprenda a “conquistar el robot” para obtener solicitudes en línea exitosas.

• Sign up for this webinar using your Job Seeker ID # at:
• If you do not know or have a Job Seeker ID#:
1. Please go to JobQuest at: to obtain an ID#. (CTRL+Click on the link to open in a new tab).
2. Return here to complete the registration using the link in the first bullet to receive credit for attending the webinar.
• Watch for your registration confirmation email and follow the instructions provided.

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